Privacy policy


Ruth Cooil Physiotherapy is committed to respecting people’s right to be afforded individual privacy, dignity, and confidentiality. 

This policy and procedure:

ï Ensures our practices align with relevant Isle of Man Government legislation 

ï Outlines the requirement of all Ruth Cooil Physiotherapy staff to be consistent and careful in the way they manage what is written and said about individuals and how they decide who can see or hear this information.

 ï Identifies the expectation Ruth Cooil Physiotherapy has of all staff to maintain the dignity of the people we support at all times. This policy is made in accordance with the CSP Standards


All Ruth Cooil Physiotherapy staff 

Policy Statement: 

Privacy and dignity will be understood to include respect for the person’s physical body, personal space and belongings, living arrangements, and personal information shared with informed consent. 

People receiving services from Ruth Cooil Physiotherapy are entitled to the same level of privacy as all other members of society. Working with vulnerable people should raise staff awareness to the importance of dignity to every person supported, and also raise awareness of the importance of sharing information where it is in the best interests of the individual, where they have given consent, or in line with local legislation.

Confidentiality is the right of a person to have personal information kept private. Ruth Cooil Physiotherapy will prevent unauthorised persons gaining access to an individual’s confidential records and permit individuals access to their own records. 

Standard sharing of information regarding people supported takes place between staff and is usually done in a formal manner. Such information disclosed will be relevant to daily activities and support requirements and associated health and wellbeing issues. Any information sharing that is outside of what is relevant to the person’s involvement with Ruth Cooil Physiotherapy, either directly or indirectly, is not appropriate and may be considered a breach of privacy and/or confidentiality. Privacy, Dignity and Confidentiality Policy and Procedure

All people supported and/or their families/carers will be given the policy on Information Privacy if requested. Consent needs to be gained and documented to share any information. 

Formal conversations about people must take place in a private setting between the relevant parties, and never in a public place. 

All staff of Ruth Cooil Physiotherapy, owe its staff, workers and clients, a duty of confidentiality and that they will not, at any time, knowingly disclose to any unauthorised personnel confidential information that comes to their knowledge during the course of their employment, including documents, materials, processes, and data whether physical, electronic or any form. 

Staff also owe the people they support and other workers a duty of privacy and dignity that they will, at all times, maintain. 

Violations will result in disciplinary action against the offending individual which may include termination of employment. 

Ruth Cooil Physiotherapy will work in accordance with relevant legislation including the:

Data protection Act 2018

Equality Act 2017

Children and young persons Act 2001

Capacity Bill 2022

Process Steps: 

1) What is considered a breach of Privacy and Confidentiality? 

Breaches of privacy and confidentiality can be: 

ï Providing written information not in accordance with guidelines

 ï Providing verbal information not in accordance with guidelines

ï Discussing personal information of people supported and/or other staff with or in front of other people. 

2) Respecting Privacy 

Ruth Cooil Physiotherapy will ensure the people we support have access to information about their individual rights in regard to personal dignity and privacy and will provide support in developing awareness of these rights. 

The people we support are entitled to: 

ï enjoy a private space 

ï feel comfortable and reassured that their personal information and belongings will be respected 

ï communicate confidentially with friends, family and carers when they wish to do so 

ï be supported in such a way that their personal dignity is maintained 

ï wherever possible, make choices about those involved in their daily lives. 

3 ) Respecting Dignity

 Dignity is the right of a person to be valued and respected for their own sake, and to be treated ethically. If people feel their identity and value as a human being is not respected, this can stop them from enjoying life and living comfortably. 

Upholding the dignity of individuals means our approach to the way we support someone promotes, and does not undermine a person’s self-respect regardless of any difference. 

Dignity is concerned with how people feel, think and behave in relation to the worth or value of themselves and others. Dignified support, or the lack of it, can have a profound effect on people’s well-being. 

Dignity is the result of being treated with respect. It is internal to each individual, and is often associated with a sense of worth, well-being or a sense of purpose. Dignity and respect is important to every one of us – a key part of our role is about ensuring the people we support are treated in ways we expect to be treated.

 When supporting people dignity is about: 

ï Being polite and respectful

 ï Being thoughtful and caring

 ï Actively engaging people in their daily activities and choices 

ï Keeping people informed 

ï Meeting their individual needs 

ï Ensuring their privacy and modesty

 … and not treating people as an object of service 

Methods of upholding dignity are usually small seemingly inconsequential things, but they mean a lot. 

The following factors promote dignity and should be present when supporting people: 

ï Choice and control – nothing about the person should be determined without their involvement, including clothing choices, supports, and daily activities, 

ï Communication – address the person in a way that reflects their communication and shows respect for their age and stage of life 

ï Eating and nutritional care – support the person to express their choices regarding meals. Ensure their health and nutritional needs are identified and addressed

 ï Pain management – know how to detect pain and address the issue immediately 

ï Personal care – approach personal care activities sensitively, ascertain preferences regarding support

 ï Practical assistance – promote independence every step of the way, and always come from a strengths based approach Privacy, Dignity and Confidentiality Policy and Procedure 

ï Privacy – uphold a person’s right to privacy. Respect personal space and possessions. 

ï Social Inclusion – engage with the person, create moments where exchange is possible, commit to showing interest in the person and support them to enjoy social activities that reflect their interests. 

4) Staff Responsibility 

All staff have a responsibility to: 

ï Ensure client’s personal information is not left on desks or photocopiers and that records and information are securely locked away. 

ï Ensure client information is stored on Ruth Cooil Physiotherapy ‘PPS’ only, and not on the desktop of individual computers. 

ï Ensure that personal information collected or disclosed is accurate, complete and up-to-date, and provide access to any individual and/or their families to review information or correct wrong information about themselves

 ï Only collect the necessary information from people and their families/carers. 

ï Ensure conversations of a personal nature are conducted away from public areas. 

ï Do not share client or staff private or confidential information or photographs through external social media platforms unless permission has been explicitly given and documented. 

ï Ensure clients are aware of their rights regarding access to documents and files

 ï Ensure that people know what sort of personal information is held, what purposes it is held it for and how it is collected, used, disclosed and who will have access to it 

ï Consider the implications and risks of forwarding email messages to a third party without consent. 

ï If sending information of a private nature, notify the recipient that confidential information is about to be sent.

 ï Respect people’s dignity at all times. All staff are responsible for the management of personal information to which they have access


At Ruth Cooil physiotherapy consent is gained prior to treatment, a patient completes and signs a consent and GDPR form. 

In the case of children guidelines found at Gillick competence and Fraser guidelines | NSPCC Learning are followed

For patients who do not have capacity Government guidelines are followed in the absence of legislation. (Capacity Bill 2022)