
Ruth Cooil physiotherapy


My physiotherapy journey....

I qualified in 1996 from Sheffield Hallam University with a 2:1 Physiotherapy BSc (Hons) degree. My first employment was in Barnsley where I completed my junior rotations but I was always keen to return to the Island to progress my career and therefore I started work at Nobles Hospital in 1998 as a respiratory physio.

My main passion however lay within musculoskeletal (MSK), orthopaedics and sports physiotherapy so when a job came up in MSK I jumped at it and went on to complete a diploma in sports medicine in 1999. My enthusiasm for this area of work continued and I gained my Masters in Orthopaedic Medicine in July 2010, receiving the Cyriax prize for my dissertation and having my work published in the Journal of International Musculoskeletal Medicine. The Masters allowed me to train as an injection therapist and sparked my interest to specialise in the management of orthopaedic conditions, particularly of the upper limb.

My work at Nobles saw me progress as a musculoskeletal physiotherapist and onwards to become the physiotherapy manager and latterly the Acute therapy service manager. 

I clung on to the clinical element of the role during this time and was an extended scope practitioner working in the orthopaedic department. In 2021 my role at Nobles changed to fully clinical but for a reduced number of hours (22.5) this gave me the impetus to expand my private business “Ruth Cooil Physiotherapy”. In March 2024 I left the NHS after 27 years to work full time in my private work. I have been very lucky over the years to be able to look after some of the IOM’s and Great Britain’s top athletes. This has included being team physio for the British Gymnastics team at World and European events. Alongside being physio for the IOM Sports Institute for 15years I have Physio’d for several different sports at 11 Island Games, was venue physio coordinator for the Commonwealth Youth Games when it was held in the IOM and Team IOM Physio at 5 Commonwealth Games. Team physio for the Republic of Island for their European and World cup qualifiers. I was also very privileged to physio for Tim Kneale over many years, culminating in him achieving an amazing 4th place at the RIO Olympics in double trap.

What is physiotherapy?

Physiotherapy helps restore movement and function when an individual is affected by injury, illness or disability.

This is achieved through exercise, manual therapy, education and advice.

Physiotherapy helps patients self-manage their conditions, become in control of their pain / symptoms and progress towards improved function and reaching their personal goals.

In the world of sport, physiotherapists are key in injury prevention, analysis of movement to improve performance and education to ensure the athlete and team have all the tools they require to reach their potential.


Ruth Cooil Physiotherapy should be your first stop on the way to recovery. Ruth has 25 years of physiotherapy experience working in both a hospital setting and in the world of sport (just take a look at her bio!).

You will always get an honest opinion from Ruth and she will always strive to deliver the best possible care. Ruth has a holistic approach which ensures she gets excellent results.

No problem is too small or too complex, so don’t waste any more time – give her a call!

If you need more persuading, just take a look at her testimonials!
